Do you need lactation help in central Iowa?
My name is Crystel. I am a Registered Nurse and a private practice IBCLC (international board-certified lactation consultant). I travel to see women and families in their homes before and after the birth of their babies. If you prefer to not meet in your home I do have clinic options as well.
I love to assist women and empower them with knowledge and tools for their breastfeeding journey.
I travel to offer breastfeeding help, near and far.
Most importantly, I am a Christian, a wife, and a mother. My faith has led me to this role of helping parents and infants in the most intense time of their life. I try to be gentle, thorough, and offer support in any way possible. I am a holistic type of gal, I have an apothecary and I make everything from sourdough bread to beef tallow lotion (and everything in between.)
Not only am I a private practice lactation consultant, but I am also a professional photographer, specializing in newborns. You can look me up at CC Photography, located in Dexter, Iowa.
I am a mom of two beautiful children, Jack (11) and Elizabeth (8). I attempted to breastfeed Jack right away and took all the hospital classes trying to prepare myself.
I believed that I was unable to breastfeed him due to not knowing how much milk he was receiving. I ended up mostly pumping with him.
With my daughter I was more informed and more comfortable with my body. I breastfed her for 8 months and comfort fed until 12 months, but with a lot of help.
When I was a new mom, I was not a lactation consultant. Years after having my children I decided to back to school to get my IBCLC.
I have experience working as a mom/baby postpartum nurse at a nearby Des Moines hospital. I have been a nurse since 2009.
Things that I enjoy include spending time with my kiddos and husband, spending time with God and being outdoors, boat rides, traveling, iced tea, and coffee. Favorite eats include sushi and surf and turf. Ok, now I'm hungry...
I have always wanted to work with mothers and babies since I was a young girl. When I was in High School I had an internship with a well-known midwife in Des Moines. We traveled to many homes together, and I would stand by to watch the birthing process, take pictures, and watch follow up assessments.
Mothers milk is perfect for her baby. There is nothing more unique and beautiful then being able to assist with nourishing the mind and body of an infant or toddler.
I don't want anyone to feel lost in this process. Becoming a mother is HARD, breastfeeding is rewarding and sometimes hard, pumping is hard work, bottle feeding is hard work. Is it all rewarding? YES!! I heard from someone recently that all life is hard, you just have to choose your hard. Work hard for what you want.
Let's talk about your goals, let's look at that latch. Let's make sure baby is adequately gaining weight and having wet diapers and stools. You can do it!
I live in Dexter, Iowa which is about 30 minutes west of West Des Moines but I travel throughout central Iowa. I also have an office in Urbandale!
I have a TANITA lactation scale that I bring with me for any weighted feed visits, this scale is so accurate- down to the gram! Pediatric / Neonatal Scale (tanita.com)
I'm here to help!! I will collaborate with the pediatrician, chiropractor, midwife, doula, or family doctor to keep them up to date as well. A report can be sent after our visit to the provider (after your authorization).

Home Lactation Consultant Prenatal and Problem Visit $175
In a perfect world I would like to see you while you are still pregnant. I'd like to see you around 36 weeks gestation to educate you on what to expect and discuss positioning, what is normal, and discuss colostrum collection.
Postpartum I can see you at any point. The sooner the better. Don't wait until you are struggling so bad you are ready to quit. Its better to see you early and follow up often.
For Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO or UHC insurance please click on this link for insurance preapproval
For all insurances: Please use the "Contact Me" form at the bottom of this site
Lactation Clinic at Thrive Chiropractic in Urbandale, Iowa $160
What's the difference between a clinic visit and a home visit?
They're pretty similar except you can't bring everything and the kitchen sink with you to your clinic appointment. But please feel free to bring your pump and your breastfeeding pillow if you prefer to use your own pillow.
Private pay, United Healthcare, and Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO plans accepted.
CST Certified
Craniosacral therapy is free and included in each lactation appointment for the infant. Decreases tension in the neck and body. Allowing CSF fluid to move more freely in the body by loosening tight fascia or connective tissue. Including the diaphragm, legs, arms, neck, and head. Light touch comparable to testing an avocado for ripeness will be utilized.
Trained by the world-renowned
Lori Hendrickson, CST